Data is one of the most valuable assets of our modern-day businesses, but it’s not able to be utilized fully because companies are reluctant to share their data. Sharing business data can deliver huge financial benefits, including making better decisions, increasing efficiency and productivity, as well as creating new revenue streams. However, the conventional method of moving large files between different systems is slow and time-consuming, making it difficult to scale data sharing.

Traditionally, companies had to manually prepare and upload data to a target platform to be used by other organizations. This was costly and time-consuming. It was also prone to mistakes. This was particularly problematic when data sets were large or complex, since the process of the conversion of them into usable formats posed significant challenges.

Sharing data with partners can enhance decision-making and innovation while also encouraging transparency and a culture of collaboration that can yield great value for both parties. It can help reduce costs, improve the quality of services and products, and drive efficiencies.

Data sharing can provide an advantage over competitors by enabling them to develop innovative products or services, or even technologies that address unmet market needs. Working with business partners outside of the company and startups can help facilitate research and development (R&D) activities, enabling businesses to stay ahead of the competition by providing new solutions that satisfy real-world consumer needs.

A successful data sharing plan can improve the relationship between a company and its customers by enhancing the connection and increasing trust and loyalty, which are crucial elements of any successful business. Therefore, it is essential to inform customers in order to let them know about any changes to practices for sharing or collecting data and get their consent for those changes prior to their taking effect.


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